Katie Black, LCSW

“As long as I can remember I felt sensitive to sensation, emotion & information. I have found how to skillfully navigate my sensitivity through connection to mind, body and spirit.” - Katie Black



Ojai, California

Client Base


Private Practice

15+ years


Mother of three


Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Certified Teacher & Practitioner
View complete CV

WHO I AM. I am a seeker of truth and understanding. I love to study about the human experience and transformation. My yoga practice along with other layers of support are integral parts of my life. Born and raised in Colorado, with a lasting impression of the natural beauty that arises in nature. I cherish my experience of being a mother and wife. Living and practicing in Ojai is extraordinary, surrounded by nature and open spaces giving way to dive deeper into the experience of being!

MY STORY (SO FAR). My own journey has pushed me to seek layers of support throughout, guiding me, to honor my unique path and others’. A path that returns to a letting go and connecting to an unwavering resource within.

Starting at school age, I became aware of my struggle to be the way the majority wanted. School was hard, I was labeled with a learning disability and felt defeated. In contrast, I felt most at ease when I was doing something physical and soccer became my practice to a balanced body mind state. My soccer practice lasted through my first year of college. When soccer came to an end I was lost and struggling to take care of myself. My earliest life traumas took hold and clouded my experiences. I survived by holding my breath and body tight or using substances to numb. I turned to my thoughts to try to make sense of what I was experiencing. While disconnected from my body and spirit my deeper knowing was abandoned. Traditional talk Psychotherapy was supportive but did not help me to re connect to my innate sensitive energy & body wisdom. In 2000, I found the asana practice of yoga and  I experienced a way to embrace my sensitivity by connecting to my spirit. In 2002 I found a somatic psychotherapist and this supported my transformation. To be with another being who was present in their own body and spirit supported me to stay present with my energetic sensitivity. My psychology, ideas of who I was etc, was reorganized as my body let go. Now, 21 years latter by living in my body and embracing my sensitivity I understand my gifts and how I can be of service to others.

I remember as a child people opened up to me, adults and my peers. The more time I spent with people and the intimate details of their lives the more I recognized there was more for me to learn in order to support myself and others. I completed a Masters in Social Work with a concentration in Mental Health. At the same time I was practicing yoga daily, receiving acupuncture, and going to therapy and feeling better then ever. I recognized what I was learning in school was not speaking to the layers of support I was receiving. After graduation I completed my first 200 hour yoga teacher training. Then I found the Institute of Integrative Body Psychotherapy. This holistic approach to healing included the mind, body, and spirit. I studied IBP for 6 years and became a Certified Practitioner and Teacher. I also completed another 200 hour yoga teacher training. After years of supervision and licensing tests I became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I emerged as both a Integrative Body Psychotherapist and a yoga teacher at the same time. This was a tremendous gift as my healing art work emerged out of my presence with layers of practice to support the whole human experience, mind, body, and spirit.



Antioch University Santa Barbara

Certified Teacher & Practitioner

Institute of Integrative Body Psychotherapy

Masters of Social Work

University of Southern California, Mental Health Concentration, Pupil Personal Service Credential

Certified Yoga Instructor 

200 hour  Anusara Yoga Teacher Training, 200 hour Ashtanga Vinyasa Teacher Training 

Bachelors of Arts

Tulane University Major: Psychology, MinorBusiness, Student Athlete


Certified Teacher

Institute of Integrative Body Psychotherapy, Los Angeles, CA

Therapeutic Yoga Instructor

Evolve Treatment Center, Ojai, California

Adjunct Lecturer

USC School of Social Work, Los Angeles, CA 

View my complete CV