Provider Referrals


What types of providers refer clients?

I welcome referred clients from both body-based and talk therapy-based practitioners.

Physical Therapists
Talk Therapists

Myofascial Practitioners
Life Coaches

How do I know if my client is a fit?

Your client is experiencing emotional release but is not able to integrate the work and experience life differently.

You’ve released a muscular and/or emotional pattern within your client, revealing earlier traumas that need further support or addressing.

Your sessions with a client have been flooded with their ongoing day to day crises; they are unable to find a place of stability from which to undertake your work.

Your client is in their head trying to make sense of an experience while struggling to feel in their body. This may be a sign that addressing the ‘body armor’ first will allow access to and healing of a past trauma.

Your client is seeking emotional release/discharge versus containing emotions within the body and building sense of well-being.

Your client’s boundaries between the self and others are minimal or non-existent.

Your client is therapy hopping, trying to escape emotional dilemmas or ease pain through one form or therapy or another.

Do you see clients out of area?

Yes. Over six years of experience I have found these techniques to translate effectively through Skype sessions.

What is Integrated Body Psychotherapy (IBP)?

IBP integrates the best approaches from Eastern and Western psychological, physiological and spiritual body-mind theories and practices into a highly efficient and effective somatic implementation model for psychotherapy. IBP is a non-invasive somatic psychotherapy that treats the whole person, integrating body, mind, emotions, and spirit, enabling deeper more meaningful work in less time with more lasting results.

I received my IBP certification at the Institute of Integrative Body Psychotherapy, Los Angeles and have taught the techniques to students there. Find more information at USABP or reach out directly.