About the Therapy

The purpose | help you get cleaR, unstuck and free to your flow of inspiration, new ideas, new possibilities, and new pathways in your life.


Why Supported Integration?

When people feel stuck, lost and/ or pain, it’s because their energy is mis-aligned. I use a variety of processes to help people rediscover their energy in alignment.

What is Supported Integration?

As a practice, it recognizes that our individual body, mind, and spirit are all interconnected and affecting one another. Trauma to one component affects the whole, and likewise, healing of any one component can be initiated in another arena.

  • INTEGRATIVE serving or intending to unify the whole person.

  • SOMATIC relating to the emotions through the body and supporting the nervous system as a means to encourage flexibility in the body and mind.

  • PSYCHOTHERAPY tracking and experiencing past and current relationship(s) to oneself and others. The therapeutic relationship is part of the healing process. It offers opportunity to heal past relational injuries and experiment with heightened levels of aliveness and well-being while in a relationship.

How is it different than other therapy?

While there is a component of sitting across from one another talking, this modality also brings the energetic & physical body into the experience. Throughout the session layers of energy and body awareness are supported. This happens through different mindfulness practices, including, meditation, mantra, physical awareness, breath-work, and any other offerings, when applied skillfully, can offer clarity and relief.

What can I expect in a session?

An opportunity to practice presence in connection with another (with support). At the start of our relationship we will explore current concerns, historical experiences and the possibilities of how the work can assist healing. I will take holistic history including information about your family of origin, recognized trauma (both physical and emotional), health (nutrition, conditions, etc.) and relationships. Sessions are built around supporting well-being and tracking anything coming up that could be interrupting your state of wellness.

Am I going to have to talk about my past?

The short answer is: Yes. Memories may appear to be restricted to the realm of cognition, but the emotions tied to these memories express as a whole body experience. In fact, many of our large and small traumas occur pre-verbally as a wholly emotional (body) experience. By accessing these emotions through the body and being present with the energy past experiences have left behind in our physical beings we can hear and, therefore, relieve them.

How is it different than bodywork?

It’s true that some somatic techniques we’ll use are more fully experienced while lying down, so we do make use of a massage-style table when that arises. Unlike other body-work therapies, however, nearly all of the work we do will be communicated through verbal cues.

Do you see couples?

Yes. I love this work! It is inspiring to be with couples as they break free from the day to day problems by waking up to the bigger understandings that can lead to deep, supportive transformation.

Instead of working at the problem level we will uncover patterns of relating. Sessions include understanding each individual’s story/history and how your individual stories have been woven together. Sessions will support your connection through mind-body experiences and track interruptions to your bond as energetic experiences leading to opportunities to have different experiences together in the moment.